Welcome to official site of Russian composer Alexey Shelygin.
Alexey Shelygin – contemporary Russian composer was born on 28 of October, 1960. Graduated from Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College and Moscow State Conservatory, he was also a student of Edison Denisov.
Alexey composed music for more than thirty theatrical performances, staged in leading Russian theaters – Mayakovsky’s, Vakhtangov’s, Stanislaski’s theaters among others.
His TV music (more than hundred works in total) familiar to public because of such shows, as «Dolls», «Theater+TV», «Spoof», programs of Leonid Parfenov and popular series, as «The Brigade», «Penal Battalion», «Officers», «Gluhar’».
Among his constant creative colleagues are talented Russian directors – Vladimir Mirzoev, Alexey Sidorov, Vasiliy Pichul, Nikolay Dostal’ and many others. More than twenty films with Shelygin’s music were in local box-office - «The Sky, an Airplane, a Girl», «Shadowboxing 1, 2», «Pete on the Road to Heaven».
Alex Shelygin is three times winner of the National Television Award «TEFI», winner of National Critics Аward «Golden Aries», twice winner of the Russian Recording industry Award «Record» for the best-selling soundtracks, and the winner of the National Award of the Russian Academy of motion picture arts «Nika» for the best film music.
When asked about music in Russian cinema, any literate Russian moviegoer or professional one, certainly recalls Alexei Shelygin among the first two or three names. It happened that films won a fame and fortune for him, but it’s more due the spirit of the times than about a writer who always continues academic works, is engaged in a successful and multi-faceted theatrical creativity, being much more versatile and productive then current times need.
On the ruins of collapsed Soviet Union's domestic film industry, Alexei was one of those professionals who restored the prestige of the composer's skill, not only in cinema but also in the "low genre" of TV-series music. In the nineties Shelygin was involved into the establishment of new, democratic TV. He created soundtracks for the most brilliant TV shows on the first private TV channel – NTV.
Television was his gates to the cinema…
> News
07.05.2014 - Светлана Степченко исполняет музыку Алексея Шелыгина.
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25.02.2014 – Алексей Шелыгин написал музыку к сериалу «Бессонница»
Продюсеры телекомпании «ДиксиМедиа», известные как создатели популярных сериалов, в числе которых «Глухарь»,... -
25.02.2014 – Алексей Шелыгин в жюри фестиваля «Дух Огня»Алексей Шелыгин в качестве члена жюри примет участие в двенадцатом международном кинофестивале «Дух огня», который...
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